Take Care of Fat with Plastic Surgery

Aging treatments

These days, many of us are concerned about the fat in our bodies. Some of us feel we have too much of it in the wrong places and too little of it in the right places. Others wish to get rid of it all together. Today, thanks to modern cosmetic surgery, there are things we can do about our fat.

For those of us who feel we have too much of fat in the wrong places and too little of it in the right places, a procedure called a fat transfer may help. A fat transfer involves suctioning fat from one area of the body and transferring that fat to another area. A fat transfer procedure only uses that person’s fat. Thus, the procedure is completely natural and avoids the risks of allergic reactions or rejection of artificial fillers or implants. Most people who undergo a fat transfer are people who desire augmentation of volume-deficient areas. The most popular areas to receive a fat transfer include the hands, face and lips. The removal of depressions in the skin’s contour, such as those that have developed following liposuction or from scarring, are just some of the other plastic surgery benefits to this procedure.

If you are one of those people who just want to get rid of excess fat, perhaps liposuction may be the answer. Liposuction works by removing excess fat deposits from the body. This allows a plastic surgeon to slim and reshape specific areas of the body. Liposuction is commonly used to remove fat from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck and backs of the arms.

Another less radical procedure for individuals who want to experience a tighter and more youthful look in their face is called a suture facelift. A suture facelift works by inserting special threads with teeth on them into the layer of fat behind the skin. These teeth then help to grip the tissue as it grows around the threads. The doctor will then pull the threads to tighten the skin. A suture facelift procedure typically takes up to two hours and can be performed under a local anesthetic.

It should be noted that none of these procedures are a substitute for proper diet and exercise. Furthermore, not everyone is a good candidate for these procedures. Consultation with a plastic surgeon can help explain both the health benefits of plastic surgery as well as the risks.

Author: Julie

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