What Are The Safest Times to Drive?

Auto accident injury attorney

How many people die in fatal car crashes in an average year? Forbes reports that car accidents kill 40,000 Americans per year. Even more alarming, fatal crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. men, women, and children between the ages 1 and 34. The good news is that there are ways to dramatically reduce the likelihood of dangerous collisions. How can drivers improve their chances?

What Are the Safest Times to Drive?

Drivers can significantly decrease risks of crashes by driving at the right times. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drivers are least likely to get in a serious, or even fatal, car crash on weekday mornings and afternoons. Forbes explains, “Time of day plays an important role in evaluating fatal crashes, in no small part because other dangerous factors are compounded at night. The instances of drunk driving, speeding and driving without a safety belt all significantly increase during the night hours and each contributes directly to increased fatality rates.”

Fatal crashes are least likely to happen between the early morning hours of 4am and 5am, according to NHTSA data. Tuesday and Wednesday are the safest days, averaging 96 auto accident-related deaths per day. (To put that into perspective, fatal collisions kill approximately 143 Americans on late Saturday.)

What To Do If Disaster Strikes

Driving carefully, and avoiding driving during dangerous late night hours, can only do so much. Accidents happen, and when they do, drivers should carefully consider whether they have fair grounds for an auto accident injury claim. What information should drivers bring auto injury attorneys?

  • First, if you are the victim of a personal injury and/or car crash, it is highly advisable to get legal advice. The reasons? Insurance carriers are out to make money. For the most part, any pay out or compensation will reflect that. Consult an auto accident law firm for fair compensation.
  • Come prepared. Auto accident injury claims are much more likely to be successful with in-depth information. Ask for a copy of the original police report. After the crash, record any relevant details, including the time, date, location, and contributing factors (such as ice, snow, or rain).

    Sometimes crashes are unavoidable. Staying off the road on weekends and late at night can dramatically reduce risks of crashes. If you are the victim of a crash, gather the details and consider asking for relevant legal advice.

    Get more info here: St. louis auto accident lawyer See this reference for more: St. louis auto accident lawyer

  • Author: Julie

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